I really feel upset about how religious music has been changed since some years ago. When I was young and I went to church on Sunday, I really loved to listen to nice religious songs, they were simple but nice. Nowadays, something has been changed and to let young people to come close to the Church, religious celebrations have not organ and Parrish choirs anymore but scout ore young guys makeshift choirs, with guitar and playing and singing silly pop songs, ok, with sacred text but in pop style. These songs are terrible, a musical disaster, and the performance are really bad too. I appreciate just the willingness of those guys, nothing else. It is good guys want to partecipate as they can, but I think they should decide to take some lessons of music and don't just sing as they can. Sacred music has got a long history and a great tradition, also in performances. A music well performed is great for our soul. I am not a professionist of music, of course, but I have studied many yea